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Taiwanese Sticky Rice with Mud Crab|步步高升紅蟳米糕
Taiwanese Sticky Rice with Mud Crab|步步高升紅蟳米糕
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Taiwanese sticky rice, pork belly, shallot, shiitake mushrooms, dried shrimp, mud crab
ALLERGEN ADVICE:Contain seafood, pork, alcohol product
A classic dish perfect for gatherings or personal enjoyment, made with fresh ingredients and a lot of love. Sesame oil brings out all the hidden flavours of shiitake mushrooms and shrimp, topped with an entire mud crab. A wonderful choice for Lunar New Year.
將蝦米小火以麻油乾煸至金黃色,再加上手切五花肉、薑,、香菇熬製成香噴噴的肉醬。香Q糯米淋上Ommi's特製肉醬,這就是最完美的古早味油飯!這份散發濃郁香氣的台灣油飯,一秒帶你飛回到故鄉。 搭配上整隻泥蟹一起蒸, 絕對是你最棒的辦桌年菜選擇!!吃黏黏過好年~
Serve 6-8 guests
適合 6-8 人